Welcome to the Accredited Counselors of Thailand (ACT), where we advocate for the importance of professional counseling standards. Join us in fostering a community of licensed counselors in Thailand dedicated to quality, excellence, and ethical practice.
Licensing ensures that counselors meet professional and international standards, providing clients with confidence in their care and promoting ethical practice and accountability. Licensing enhances your credibility by verifying that you are a qualified counselor.
Our application process meets international standards of recognition and certifies that you are a qualified counselor.
Accredited Counselors of Thailand (ACT) is an independent, non-profit initiative established in 2024 under the LEAF Foundation, dedicated to offering Thai national and resident counselors the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognized counseling license through an extensive accreditation process both for individuals and organizations. Our mission is to make accreditation the standard practice in Thailand in order to improve the quality of counseling, ensure accountability, and provide both local and international support for counselors. Please note that while ACT is working towards transferable credits across the APAC region in the future, local laws and licensing rules always apply.
An FM is a retired counselor who previously held accredited counselor (AC) status and was nominated by other ACT members to be a Fellow Member in their retirement.
An AC is an advanced counselor with vast experience in the field and a deep understanding of all aspects of counseling. Members with AC status are listed in the ACT online registry.
An LC is an experienced counselor with a considerable number of client contact hours who has demonstrated their commitment to ethical, accountable practice. Members with LC status are listed in the ACT online registry. (Licensed)
An AM is an individual in a field other than counseling with an interest in therapy, psychology, or mental health who has completed at least one ACT-approved course. (Not a license)
A JM is a novice counselor who is pursuing or has just completed their degree in Counseling or a related field and is interested in gaining experience and learning from other counselors. (Not a license)
We are not accepting applications for OM this year, but details will be announced soon.
Coming soon.
© 2025 ACT Reserved. Website designed and developed by Lise Carpenter.