An FM is a retired counselor who previously held accredited counselor (AC) status and was nominated by other ACT members to be a Fellow Member in their retirement. Those nominated as an FM must have at least one publication or other notable contribution in the field of counseling. Fellow Members take few to no clients but remain involved in the field and in guiding other counselors through supervision or by giving workshops, courses, keynotes, seminars, etc.Annual fee: 1,000 THB
An AC is an advanced counselor with vast experience in the field and a deep understanding of all aspects of counseling. Members with AC status have demonstrated a strong commitment to the advancement of counseling practice and are accredited and listed in the ACT online registry with distinction.Annual fee: 4,000 THBApplication fee: 2,500 THB (one-time fee)
An RC is an experienced counselor with a considerable number of client contact hours who has demonstrated their commitment to ethical, accountable practice. Members with RC status are licensed and listed in the ACT online registry.Annual fee: 2,000 THB Application fee: 1,000 THB (one-time fee)
An AM is an individual in a field other than counseling with an interest in therapy, psychology, or mental health who has completed at least one ACT-approved course. Please note that members with AM status are not certified mental health professionals and are not listed in the ACT online registry.Annual fee: 1,000 THB
An JM is a novice counselor who is pursuing or has just completed their degree in Counseling or a related field and is interested in gaining experience and learning from other counselors. Please note that members with JM status are not certified and are not listed in the ACT online registry.Annual fee: Free of charge
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